
0 Pan's Labyrinth | Opinião - Pan's LabyrinthThis enthralling novel, inspired by the 2006 film, illustrates that fantasy is the sharpest tool to explore the terrors and miracles of the human heartYou shouldn't come in here. You could get lost. It has happened before.

I'll tell you the story one day, if you want to hear it. In fairy tales, there are men and there are wolves, there are beasts and dead parents, there are girls and forests. Ofelia knows all this, like any young woman with a head full of stories.

And she sees right away what the Capitan is, in his immaculate uniform, boots and gloves, smiling: a wolf. But nothing can prepare her for the fevered reality of the Capitan's eerie house, in the midst of a dense forest which conceals many things: half-remembered stories of lost babies; renegade resistance fighters hiding from the army; a labyrinth; beasts and fairies. There is no one to keep Ofelia safe as the labyrinth beckons her into her own story, where the monstrous and the human are inextricable, where myths pulse with living blood ...

Autor: Guillermo Del Toro e Cornelia Funke
Editor: Bloomsbury Publishing
Género: Ficção | Literatura Fantástica
Páginas: 320


A imagem pode conter: 1 pessoaTanto no livro como no filme, o que mais me deslumbrou foi a fusão entre a infantilidade dos contos de fada, com as suas fantásticas imagens, e a sabedoria, intensidade e melancolia da mensagem.

O livro está repleto de descrições belas e competentes, no entanto, estas tendem a apoiar-se demasiado nas imagens que já criámos a partir do filme. Não sei se, sem esta prévia riqueza cénica em mente, o livro teria o mesmo efeito.

Gostei também das diversas histórias que vão sendo narradas em alternância com a história central. Em estilo de conto de fadas, cada uma delas contribui para o carisma místico do livro e acabam por estar todas interligadas.

Pior do que os monstros representados, só mesmo a realidade dos tempos de guerra em que Ofélia vive. A solidão e a crueldade que a rodeiam empurram-na para um mundo de fantasia que lhe serve como escapatória.

Frases preferidas:
In another body, at another time. Perhaps in another place.
He would wait.
Down to his last breath.
Until the end of time. – xi

 «The only peace of home Ofelia had been able to take with her were some of her books. She closed her fingers firmly atound the one on her lap, caressing the cover. When she opened the book, the white pages were so bright against the shadows that filled the forest and the words they offered granted shelter and comfort. The letters were like footprints in the snow, a wide white landscape untouched by pain, inharmed by memories too dark to keep, too sweet to let go of» - página 2

 «Ofelia’s mother didn’t know it, but she also believed in a fairy tale. Carmen Cardoso believed the most dangerous tale of all: the one of the prince who would save her.» - página 6

  «Evil seldom takes shape immediatly. It is often little more than a whisper at first. A glance. A betrayal. But then it grows and takes root, still invisible, unnoticed. Only fairy tales give evil a proper shape. The big bad wolves, the evil kings, the demons, and devils…» - página 8

 «Who wants to heal in a world that is all about killing» - página 30

 «Love kills in many ways» - página 33

 «So many questions. Humans asked them about everything, but they usually weren’t half as good at finding the answers» - 47

 «She was one of those women who looked for strenght in men instead of finding it in her own heart.» - página 57

 «We all create our own fairy tales» - página 62

 «All the truly importante things hide from view» - página 63

 It is hard to have secrets one cannot share, or to believe in a truth that others don’t want to see» - página 69

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